I realised I actually didn’t post about this… so many things happening, so many things going on, some good, some not so good. But earlier…
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News today dominated by Margaret Thatcher’s death and the competing broadband plans in the news. Needless to say, I found the coalition plan to be…
Leave a CommentHeaded out bright and very early to the Google Apps summit being held at MLC school in Burwood. Could only gawk at how modern and…
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I picked up this story through Twitter last night:
Posting a link to a news story from Ireland might prove to be an expensive business.
According to this site (hat tip Fark) a group of Irish newspapers have decided that the way to make cash from the web is to bill anyone who links to one of their stories.
The National Newspapers of Ireland group has adopted a new licensing scheme where it expects websites to pay to link to one of its members….
And it goes on from there. Unsurprisingly, there is so many things wrong with this idea it’s quite hysterical. And tragic, for an industry already in trouble. Basically, the idea is that these Irish newspapers have already clamped down successfully on anyone daring to excerpt any amount from their articles with the link (like Google News… bye bye fair use) and are now targeting the very act of linking to an article at all. Claiming this is somehow copyright infringement.
My goodness. Sounds self-defeating, positively inane, and completely geared towards making yourself irrelevant, right? Well, I decided to look into this further and hunted down the group’s website, and found this post from them on the topic (oh, a link, hope that doesn’t get me in trouble!).
Leave a CommentBack at work today for the first time since before Christmas, and it’s quiet, naturally. Seen a couple of people, but as I expected, I’m…
Leave a CommentThere seems to be something wrong with my site setup at the moment… pictures arent’ uploading, things aren’t updating like they should. Not sure if…
Leave a CommentI write like Stephen King I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing! Apparently… (Yes, another web meme thing, but given the…
Leave a CommentNot in Australia (yet), but I’m really hoping it’s only a matter of time before Netflix gets in on the act locally: Wii becomes third…
Leave a CommentWell, that’s what someone asked me today. By complete accident, I was called by a Swinburne University Psychology department phone poll, which gave this very…
Leave a CommentWell, only in a small way, but it’s nice to be wanted 🙂 My Yo Gabba Gabba review, on the State Sports Centre website… they…
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