At the moment no one can really read this even, so it seems a bit dumb, but I do want to keep up the habit.
Either way, that shouldn’t last for long, as tonight I’ve set up a new decent web space account, and am setting up WordPress to go with it (where I can have also raw pages, FTP servers, databases, wikis, message boards — in short, anything I feel like). No more Blogger for me I’ve decided, and I want to be able to transfer all the data from this to the new site, and really get this looking professional.
I mean, this new setup isn’t even that hard or that expensive, but it will be seriously better quality — just what I need.
And naturally, when the site is up and running, first job will be pics on the Underbelly story 🙂
In other news, the NRL started tonight, and I’m 0 for 2 in tipping already. And the Kings lost the last game of the finals as well.
That would seem to mark the end of Summer, not that you can tell from the sudden warm spell.