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Today it rained

Which is not as bad as it seems. For a start, it was basically just rain here, which should have done a good job of finally putting out the fires here, or at least completely dampening them. There’s a bit of wind, but it’s nothing like the rest of the state, and nothing flooding either.

So it was definitely an inside day. A bit of writing, a lot of Twitter, and some more working out of the work presentation on Google Apps. Some wonderfully fun conversations with Will, discovering that Alex is now right into Minecraft, keeping up with Lachie and giving plenty of attention to Ben. In other words, a pretty normal inside day…
A new site I’ve been put on to — basically it’s an easy way to automate online sites and make them work for you. Send Instagram pics to WordPress or Dropbox. Find keywords on Twitter, save to Skydrive. That kind of thing. Geeky if you think about it, but damn useful as well, and full of loads of potential for work and play.

The weather
Like I said, it rained much of the day, but it was easy rain. Went for a brief walk out to get some milk around the corner, and the wind did surprise me, but still, it’s nothing. A cool change if anything, with temperatures maxing out in their early 20s. Been watching news on TV and online and it’s just crazy on the coast. Even Sydney is getting it tonight, and it’s only going to get worse apparently.

Didn’t we just get this a couple of years ago? Are we just going to put up with it every year now? I mean, what is the new normal?

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