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Definitely worse

How shall I put it … absolutely shocking. I was more or less ok in the day, or at least no worse, as we all went over to Westmead Children’s Hospital to take Will to a series of appointments. Occupational Therapist Belinda was fun as always, but the afternoon appointments were pretty tough on Will, and on us by extension. And lunch was a shocker… Sallie ended up with nuts in her sandwich somehow, and while my food seemed ok, it really hit me later on.

We got home, I worked for a couple of hours when I really should have sleeped, then tried to settle in for the evening, but just felt progressively worse. Headache, cold, shivering, seemingly a repeat of Sunday two weeks ago when this all started. Couldn’t even last the night, was acctually physically sick at 9pm and went to bed, hoping to sleep for a long time…

Damn, this really is turning into a sickness blog… but I’d love to know what the hell is wrong with me…

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