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My writing

I will always write.

Even if it sometimes doesn’t happen enough. Even if it fees like it’s going nowhere. It will still happen for me.

I have made some wonderful connections in recent year and really feel close to something good. I need to re-establish my routines and patterns where the work happens (end those late nights and get back to those early morning again!) but I feel close. I know I can say this and have for years, but I know it’s true.

And I meet authors who are so supportive, and the Twitter-verse of writers is so helpful and from that the work does come. I have questions every day — move to a new project? Stay with the longterm project? Do one? Do many? But that’s pretty normal, and it hits all of us.

I’ve written several novels, whether they’ve been published or not, and I’m getting better all the time. I am a writer already, and always will be. But I know I can step up and get better, and really make the professional mark happen.

This is the calling.

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