A book from Allen and Unwin, sounds like it could be very interesting.
Not sure what this is, could be interesting.
Desktop software to enhance your blogging. Should have a look, might be useful.
Interesting looking website that analyses classic movie and television opening credit sequences for the creative and design values. Great resource.
Rolling Stone's 2008 list of what is "hot" in their opinion. Interesting list, not always that useful or right, but good to note. This is the index page rather than the opening bit.
Another good piece on The Shield from Salon.
This year's Buffy award went to The Shield. Good article explaining how The Shield is underrated, but really, so brilliant.
Odd but interesteing post for TPM, with Josh praising the US version of Life on Mars. Still suspect it can't match the original, but I really should check this out now on some downloads (apparently on Ten next year?)