I’m coming up on two years in my current job, and I really wonder where the future lies, professionally speaking at least.
It gets a bit conflicting at times, thinking about these future options. Apparently there are other jobs out there, but I really don’t want to consider it most of the time. Instead of giving in to my “two year itch”, I really feel like a I should stick it out where I am and look for the new opportunities there. Too often I seem to leave jobs after two years — the first time not how I wanted, but the next two by my own choice.
That is of course if there is any opportunity there for me — real chances for the future. The likelihood of that seems to change every day. Meanwhile, I try to stick with it and plan for the future — try to prove there are real opportunities there for me.
And it doesn’t get any easier — the chances outside there seem slim as well, but possible. And then I find myself not wanting to say anymore here just in case …
Oh well, back to thinking about it all, and acting, and planning …