So how was 2005? It was a year of natural and man made disaster on a world scale, but personally, it had its ups and downs. Still didn’t do enough of quite enough things I’d like to do (mostly because of money), and didn’t do them with enough people (something I need to get back in the habit of), but still had some wonderful times, mostly revolving around Sallie and William, and made some moves for a better future.
Professionally, I have this awful feeling I didn’t get anywhere at all (a paycheck is a paycheck, sure, but that’s all it was this year) this year, despite my best efforts. But I do have an absolute realisation now – my own business is the only way to go, and it has to be a direction that requires as little capital as possible upfront. I’ve been reading volumes on web based business and the whole “Web 2.0” world, and while that’s a massive generalisation, that is the way to go. I think it will also be my only significant New Year’s Resolution as well (or at least the only one I want to speak about here 🙂 )
So have a good New Year wherever you are… stay safe, stay healthy… have fun and be successful (however you would define that).
Bring on 2006…