We don’t talk enough about good things, do we?
I come to thinking more about what should be said here, and all I think of is the disasters of the world. COVID, political nightmares, bad people filling the mind space every day. But who needs more of that?
I know there hasn’t been enough here recently of course, and I only post from time to time and usually drop photos on Facebook for family and other thoughts on Twitter or Instagram. I’m a total advocate of the importance of your website because it’s the only thing you own, then I don’t put enough here myself.
That needs to change of course, and it should only change with good things. Good things aren’t always easy or even necessarily super positive, but they should be productive things and useful things. My things too, not the same crap in the world doing everyone’s head it.
So I don’t have much to say about COVID, because what else can I say that hasn’t been said? Same goes for Australian politics, or heaven forbid, US politics. (And I put out offhand thoughts about all that on Twitter anyway).
What I need to post about is things like Movie Night with Alex. Or about where my writing is at. Or creative ideas to make happen.
That sort of thing. Good things.
Good positive thoughts