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My boys the gamers

mario kart

I’ve been waiting for this since Will was born, to be honest…

My boys seem to have sort of suddenly become avid gamers.

Alex and Lachie especially have been playing iPad games for a little while now, but it’s really finally clicked for Will just this year. It was definitely after he saw Wreck-it Ralph, and got really enthusiastic about the gaming world, that he started to want to play more karting/racing games. He played a Sugar Rush/Wreck-It Ralph racing game on his iPad, but in just the last week, when we also finally sorted out the controller power, he’s jumped right into Mario Kart. All the time…

And I have to say, he’s pretty good at it too.

I raced him a bunch over the weekend, and he could beat me at least half the time. It really depends on the track we go on — some tracks suit me better and I can usually wear him out, but other tracks I’ve always found difficult and he seems to shoot through like a breeze.

So there we have it. Finally I have some more gamers in the house. It’s not been a priority for me in the last few years, but I do think that is about to change 🙂

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