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Shopping fever

It’s amazing how you can go shopping, think you won’t spend that much, but then spend lots, but then realise that it was all necessary anyway.

We bought a bunch of new house things. It’s always how it goes — when you move there’s always a whole list of things you need that you either didn’t have before, lost, or just need to replace. It’s of course reasons 6,234,563 why having to move house a lot is a bad thing. Here’s hoping we can avoid it again for a couple of years at least.

I bought new shoes — again, something I’ve put off for several weeks, if not months. Was wearing an awful old pair of shoes last week, structurally fine and look fine, but feel terrible. My feet have spent most of the week with a patchwork of band-aids. New shoes, reasonable decent ones but well priced. Hopefully they’ll last a while.

Had a decent grocery shop — can hardly argue with that. Need to eat and all that. It wasn’t Aldi, but it was surprisingly good value.

Will had a great time on the playground there, as he’s had a few times each week. The shopping centre playgrounds are useful things for the harried parent, especially if there’s a coffee shop next door 🙂 Will loves the chance, and he screams louder with joy than any other kind there.

Watching a marathon of new episodes of The Shield tonight… till really late. Some serious Vic Mackey bad-assery as they hit the home stretch of the final season. Brilliant stuff.

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