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Weeds: Selling pot for fun and profit

Caught up with many episodes of the great comedy/drama Weeds last night, watching the last four episodes of season two, and the first episode of season three. It works remarkably well as a drama, but even better as a comedy — it was definitely my favourite comedy last year.

We’d only intended to watch 1-2 episodes, but as the story kept driving along towards the season climax, and things just got more and more frenetic and farsical, we just didn’t want to stop. Ended up watching the season finale, then after seeing where it ended, we had to watch the first of season 3 as well, just to make sure Nancy was OK 🙂

Weeds takes a situation that should be serious (and mostly is), yet makes it hysterically funny at the same time. Being a drug dealer with a dysfunctional family probably should be quite dangerous, and when you’ve got gang-bangers and Armenian mobsters pointing guns at you, only to discover that your son stole the pot stash, you might not be laughing 🙂

But we are — it’s hysterical 🙂

Bring on season three I say (yes I know it’s already aired in the US, and believe me, I have the episodes … just need to get around to seeing them now!)

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